Elevate Vocal Arts

Elevate Vocal Arts creates performance and education opportunities, and expands creative workforce development opportunities for individuals from historically marginalized communities to develop as professional Vocal Artists who speak to our time’s relevant issues through music, storytelling, and spoken word, strengthening our democracy. EVA expands creative economy opportunities in the arts and enhances the skills of Delaware’s future workforce. By providing professional development and performance opportunities, exploring previously overlooked musical traditions, and offering educational programming throughout the state of Delaware. EVA grows sustainable economic and artistic opportunities focused on equipping historically marginalized communities. EVA is well-positioned for this work; formed from the diverse vocal arts community they aim to serve, with a committed staff and Board of Directors holding a wealth of experience as veteran professional vocal artists and arts administrators. EVA’s programming has three core pillars: Planting Seeds (Education and Outreach), Nurturing Future Workforce (Workforce Development and Technical Skills Training), and Harvesting (Professional Performance and Community Engagement). EVA offers 30-60 day residencies where expert Vocal Artists team teach in music classrooms. They also provide a number of events throughout the year that provide professional development opportunities for teachers to continue their learning and craft, as well as events for students.  Elevate Vocal Arts’ Summer Institute is a groundbreaking, residency-based, five-week summer program designed for aspiring Vocal Arts Apprentices aged 18-25. Summer Institute unites distinguished vocal artists, artist managers, and arts administrators to serve as faculty and mentors for our apprentices, equipping them with the essential skills and knowledge for a successful career in the vocal arts. One offering, Bent But Not Broken, is a national four-day conference for amplifying the musical contributions and accomplishments of Black vocal artists across time and genres. Now in its third year, BBNB offers interest sessions, immersion choirs, panel discussions, honor choirs, and performances.This event draws over 1000 participants, from full conference attendees, youth honor choir members, and concert guests, pouring much needed dollars back into the Delaware economy.