Matthew McCright

Pianist Matthew McCright will play works by Six Minnesota Composers at NYC’s Merkin Concert Hall at Kaufman Center on September 25, 2010

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View/download Biographies of 6 Composers PDF.

Here are streaming selections from McCright’s album “Second Childhood” featuring works by composers Kirsten Broberg and Daniel Nass. Works by both of these composers will be featured in the 9/25 concert.

Kirsten Broberg, Constellations, played by pianist Matthew McCright [audio:|titles=Kirsten Broberg, Constellations|artists=Pianist Matthew McCright]

Daniel Nass, Dance Preludes  – 1. Waltz, played by pianist Matthew McCright [audio:|titles=Dance Preludes  – 1. Waltz|artists=Pianist Matthew McCright]

Daniel Nass, Dance Preludes  – 2. Tango, played by pianist Matthew McCright [audio:|titles=Dance Preludes  – 2. Tango|artists=Pianist Matthew McCright]

Daniel Nass, Dance Preludes  – 3. Rag, played by pianist Matthew McCright [audio:|titles=Dance Preludes  – 3. Rag|artists=Pianist Matthew McCright]